Community Organizing

Southern Echo provides residential training schools and workshops on the Fundamentals of Community Organizing which are designed to enable low-wealth grassroots communities, including activists and public officials, to develop the tools and skills to build viable and sustainable local organizations and leaders through which to empower communities, to hold governmental institutions accountable to the needs and interests of community, to impact the formation and implementation of public policy, and to create accountable models of governance.


Strategic Planning

Southern Echo provides residential training schools and workshops on Strategic Planning which are designed to enable grassroots community organizations, leaders and activists to develop the tools and skills through which to develop a clear vision, effective strategies and meaningful program of work.  This process requires community people to articulate a clear historical and political analysis of where we have been, where we are now, where we need to go and how best to get there. 


Public Education

Southern Echo provides training designed to enable parents, student, educators and public officials to develop the tools and skills needed to impact the formation and implementation of education policies at the state and school district levels, to interpret and draft education laws and policies, to enforce the rights of students and parents and the duties and responsibilities of educators, and to build local organizational capacity to expand parent and student engagement in the education process.


Census and Redistricting

Southern Echo’s Census and Redistricting training includes: 

    1. laws and procedures that control the census data collection process,
    2. how grassroots communities can fight for a fair and complete census count,
    3. how census data impacts redistricting plans and the capacity to elect accountable officials,
    4. laws and regulations and mapping tools and skills used to create fair redistricting plans, and
    5. organizing grassroots communities to impact the formation and adoption of redistricting plans.


GIS Mapping, Charts and Graphs

Southern Echo provides training in the use of Geographic Information Systems and graphics software to enable grassroots community workers to create maps, charts and graphs that synthesize complex demographic and statistical data for use in the production of popular education materials for parents, students, educators, public officials, the business community and the media.  The training also focuses on how to produce materials that can impact the formation and adoption of public policy.



Organizational Development

Southern Echo provides grassroots organizations with training in Organizational Development that includes:

  1. laws governing for-profit and non-profit corporations,
  2. duties and constraints on tax-exempt non-profits,
  3. allocation of decision-making within alternate organizational structures,
  4. active versus passive boards,
  5. staff development,
  6. the critical connection among vision, strategies and program,
  7. role of proposed, operating and final budgets,
  8. how to construct budgets to account for the work, and
  9. fundraising and resource development.

Voter Engagement, Voter Protection

Southern Echo provides non-partisan workshops to community organizations and public officials on the voting process that includes:

  1. how to run a political campaign;
  2. Get Out the Vote;
  3. vigilance before the polls open and after they close;
  4. poll watching and poll working;
  5. absentee balloting, curb balloting, and voter assistance;
  6. challenge ballots, affidavit ballots and ballot inspections;
  7. what to do when a voter’s rights are violated;
  8. and election challenges.


Environmental Justice

Southern Echo conducts residential training schools for community organizations and public officials on how to use develop a comprehensive planning process and craft zoning laws and maps to create environmental safety zones around homes, school, churches and gardens to protect community health.  The training process enables participants to learn to do the strategic thinking that informs the planning process and to build zoning ordinances and maps that reflect the values incorporated in the comprehensive plan.



Positive Behavior Intervention Strategies

Southern Echo provides training to parents, students, educators and public officials on research-based positive behavior intervention strategies to provide to students and families, teachers and schools, support systems to keep children in class where they can learn rather than out on the street on their way to the criminal justice system.  Training focuses on assessments and remedies rather than punishment and exclusion, due process rights, dropout prevention, conflict resolution, and implementation of teacher support teams.


How Government Works

Southern Echo provides training to community organizations, leaders, activists and public officials on:

  1. the structure of municipal, county, state and federal governments;
  2. the impact of separation of powers among branches of government;
  3. the process for enacting laws and ordinances;
  4. differences between legislative and administrative processes; and
  5. how the federal and state constitutions, laws and ordinances, rules and regulations and customs and practices control the formation and implementation of public policy.


College Ready

“College readiness” is defined in the study as a student who has:

  1. Obtained a regular high school diploma,
  2. Developed basic reading skills, and
  3. Taken the courses that meet application requirements to a minimum standard four-year college.