Continued failure to fully fund the state’s public education system has left schools struggling to provide their students basic services and competent instruction. Those few who manage to matriculate through the system graduate unprepared for college level academics and lack skills needed for high-level industry positions. Furthermore, the Covid-19 pandemic exposed the lack of access to broadband services, causing many rural, low wealth, and high minority populations to further suffer from the lack of education equity and engagement. This interruption to learning will have a lasting, negative impact on learning and assessments.
YES! works to train, expose, and educate its youth (ages of 8-18) in leadership development, enhanced civic knowledge, and community organizing while supporting traditional academics and STEM. We welcomed its inaugural class of YES! participants in 2019 and continues through 2021, though the program has been virtual and will continue to be until such time that in-person gatherings are safe for participants and staff.
We also work with the Opportunity Institute in training educators, educational administrators, and community on the Science of Learning and Development (SOLD), Whole Child Equity (WCE), Adolescent Learning and Development (ALD) and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). Lastly, we continue to educate and train school districts and communities regarding the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).