Jackson, MS, Nov. 21, 2008 — Three Echo staff received 5 days of day-long intensive training on website management from Samiya Bashir, principal consultant of Lead Time Consulting of Austin, TX.
Kahlil Johnson and Keith French, Southern Echo interns and students at Tougaloo College, and Mike Sayer, Southern Echo Senior Organizer and Training Coordinator learned how to post news stories, add pages, incorporate photos and videos, develop web-based emails and the use of the web to promote buy tramadol legally online donations to the organization.
Samiya Bashir works with grassroots community organizations to build and utilize websites to bring their work and their stories to life on the internet, and to integrate their information and visuals with social networks to expand understanding across generational lines.
Samiya’s easy demeanor, perpetual smile and joyful presence facilitated a smooth transition from the grim visage of HTML training into easy-to-understand and visually accessible posts on the internet.