Southern Echo Inc. Board of Directors is pleased to announce Ms. Rachel Mayes as the new Executive Director. This position was previously held by co-founder Mr. Leroy Johnson for 27…
MVSU's Delta Research & Cultural Institute’s Ayers Distinguished Visiting Lecture Series for Spring 2012 will feature Mr. Leroy Johnson, Executive Director, Southern Echo, Inc. The focus of the Spring 2012…
Echo is pleased to announce the addition of 4 new members to its Board of Directors. Ms. Tanya Garduño, Dr. Marvin Haire, Ms. Kameisha Smith, and Mr. Jerry Wilson join Echo’s board offering a diversity and wealth of experiences and knowledge.
Jackson, MS, Nov. 21, 2008 -- Three Echo staff received 5 days of day-long intensive training on website management from Samiya Bashir, principal consultant of Lead Time Consulting of Austin,…